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Unveiling our new Recovery Capital Index Reporting Tool

Posted byWritten by David

With the RCI aggregate reporting tool, you can immediately see the collective recovery capital for your organization. Filter, focus, and export the data as you need to directly inform recovery and care plans.

It is the unfortunate and long-standing practice to collect data in addiction treatment and recovery support and do nothing with it. This offends us. It violates our data principles. And it disrespects those we serve. The best way to know if your clients and patients are progressing and your program is working is to ask. These observations and responses must be understood and the insights actioned in a timely manner.

So much of the recovery process is understanding current circumstances and needs, then setting goals and making informed decisions. The Recovery Capital Index captures your client’s observations about their strengths and needs. This contextual data can be broad and complex, but when organized clearly you can constantly, conveniently, and clearly use data to drive individual and organization support and engagement.

Your client-reported data needs to be available to all members of the care team as soon as it’s gathered. Your clinical, admissions, support, alumni, and executive teams cannot wait months for a long evaluation report. You need the data now!

Today, we’re thrilled to release our new Recovery Capital Index Reporting Tool. With the new RCI Reporting Tool — you can immediately see the aggregate results of all RCI assessments completed by your clients and patients as they are being completed. The Reporting Tool lets you drill down by Groups and Demographics. Choose the timeframe for results to focus your view. Plot the domains, components, indicators over time or by admin series to see longitudinal change. And last, see the recovery capital indicators of your clients ranked. The insights will jump off the screen and let you serve your clients and organization the way you know how. 

recovery capital data and outcomes reporting

This is real-time data — no waiting to see the trends, needs, and success of your program.

The recovery process is fluid and you want your clients providing observations of their lives. The Recovery Capital Index structures these observations and our Reporting Tool lets you quickly see what they are telling you. You can easily filter the RCI data by Group, Demographics, and by set or customized data-ranges.

We give you the flexibility to view aggregated responses in any number of combinations that only matter to you. Want to see how the married participants of your evening IOP program are doing from baseline through third and fourth RCI completion? You’ll get your answer.

Recovery takes time, so longitudinal views are really important. 

The first year of the recovery process is key for almost everyone. So much is new and changing. With the automated SMS series and text messaging, you can support, engage, and track your client’s progress across that entire year.

We give you two ways to view this data over time.

  • Time Series View. This is the default view. We pool all RCI responses by week or by month — this is a simply toggle — over the length of time you choose (default is last 3 months). Think of this view like pubic opinion polling. You see any and all responses during that week/month. It is an average. So remember that this will be sensitive to external factors happening around your clients and will reveal trends unique to your population and geography.

  • Admin Series View. This view pools responses based on succession — baseline, then second, third, fourth, fifth completion. This view will show you longitudinal change from when you first engage with your clients or patients. As this data builds up and you extend this over the course of a full year, you will begin to see the resilience of your clients and the lasting impact of your care.

An index isn’t an index without ranking of indicators.

The Recovery Capital Index covers 22 indicators of recovery, wellbeing, and resilience. These indicators are scored and you can see their strength in the organizational scorecard categorized by domain and component. But, what are the top scoring indicators? What are the bottom scoring indicators?

This is an important question if you really want to hone into the indicators that may be hindering growth for your clients and patients. The Capital Ranking takes the guesswork out of identifying needs or celebrating specific success for your programs and organization.

And of course, the indicators are ranked based on the filters you select. Watch this change instantly as you select one group or another.

recovery capital indicator ranking

[FYI — we’ll have group comparison’s coming soon]

What else do you want to see in the data — we’re not gonna hold you back.

You can immediately export the underlying data. Whatever filters you select, that will modify the data included in the CSV export.

As we continue to learn from the collective recovery capital data collected from all our RCI users, we’ll introduce those learnings or analytics into the reporting. But we’re taking a reasoned and cautious approach to how we introduce predictiveness and other algorithmic insights.

This should not stop you from running your own analysis or combining the data with other sources.

Two points of caution:

  • This data export does include identifying information. So treat the export within you security and privacy policies.

  • Remember, the ultimate owner of this data is client or patient — we are just its stewards.

Get started viewing your recovery capital data today!

Play around with the filters and graphing options. See what your results are and what your clients are telling you. Anything surprise you? Are any of your assumptions confirmed or challenged? Let us know. We want to learn what you’re leaning.

This is just the beginning for reporting and analytics for the Recovery Capital Index.

Commonly Well uses a text messaging platform to design custom automated and
personalized engagement strategies for data capture, performance monitoring, and
outcomes measurement.

Got questions or want to learn more about our Recovery Intelligence Model?

Text: OUTCOMES to 833.280.3781

Call: 917.672.6665


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