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Data, Privacy, and Trust

We believe trust begets intelligence

A triangle with three circles marking each corner to represent the relationship between data, privacy, and trust

In a data-rich and data-enriching world, there must be strong regulation, ethics, and principles in place for data capture and use.
This is especially true when dealing with substance use and mental health data.

Our driving principle for data is this: the patient owns the data.

We are simply stewards of that data, presenting it with care and sensitivity. We’re committed to transparency and
protecting the privacy of the information.

Read our privacy standards and practices to learn how we protect both the data and the clients.

Our Data Principles

  1. We seek permission for the data we collect, understanding our relationship is voluntary. We have an obligation once our relationship is created to be a steward of your personal data.
  2. We only collect what we can protect. Your privacy is paramount. Our combined policies and practices respect, protect, secure, and govern your information with the knowledge that you may be sharing deeply sensitive information with us.
  3. We believe as a public non-profit organization that we must share appropriate elements of our work – findings, data, strategies, challenges, and impact to improve the greater good. We have designed data practices with openness and sharing in mind that begin with appropriate consent and privacy practices.
  4. We also believe that our mission requires a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Our Policy and data practices will be governed through transparency and will include diverse voices and approaches to ensure the ethical and equal application of algorithms and services.

We further strive to:  

  1. Be clear about what our products measure, and describe the steps we will take developing our tools and products.
  2. Focus on those data that are most meaningful.
  3. Establish appropriate intervals for measuring the progress, or lack of it, that we are making on the way to our goals. 
  4. We also believe that our mission requires a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Our Policy and data practices will be governed through transparency and will include diverse voices and approaches to ensure the ethical and equal application of algorithms and services.

Experience firsthand how we
capture data

As an automated survey, the Recovery Capital Index® is available right this very minute, along with other helpful surveys and assessments. Try out the RCI for yourself, and experience the way your clients will report their progress back to you. Customization is always an option, so let’s chat about your organization’s needs.

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