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The community design argument for open drug use

Dr. Carl Hart’s new book, “Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear,” continues to push the envelope on how we think about drugs, policies around drugs, and addiction.I'll read the book, just as I've read most of Dr. Carl Hart’s work, but ... yeah, there's a big but here. On the surface, Dr. Hart is dancing dangerously close with complete irresponsibility.

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By David


A hand sketching a user experience design

Addiction care needs a strategy for rigorous measurement and rapid progress

Measuring success through recovery capital indicators will boost care engagement, align with community priorities, and transform more lives Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash The addiction and overdose crisis in the United States is raging. COVID is exacerbating the underlying drivers of addiction. And despite the extraordinary efforts of great people and organizations, the problemContinue reading "Addiction care needs a strategy for rigorous measurement and rapid progress"

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By David


A line of mirrors

What Gets in the Way of Change

We have a lot of change or desired change happening around us. But whether the change is personal, professional, cultural, political, or something else, we want change to be meaningful and sustained. Change in a cultural realm isn’t much different than change at the individual level. Both scenarios need acceptance. So what gets in the way of seeing change materialize?

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By David


An old alarm clock

Leveraging the Value of Structure

A couple weeks into the COVID-19 lockdown, I intentionally introduced two structured behaviors in to my life. When faced with uncertainty, my natural reaction was to create certainty. Control what you can, let go of everything else.

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By David
